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Svenska Skärmflygförbundet
Svenska Skärmflygförbundet

Starten vid Vågå i Norge



When you pay the annual fee for a pilot's license, an insurance is included via AGS insurance company which you have the option to upgrade as needed, see below. All insurances only apply when paragliding or on the way to or from the starting point for paragliding.

You can find the insurance letters in the menu on the left under the label ”Försäkringsbrev... Pdf, 212.1 kB, öppnas i nytt fönster.”.

Contact the insurance company AGS in the event of a serious accident abroad on +47 48 40 41 00. For a serious accident in Sweden call 112.

Here is a link to the accident reportLin Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.k to another website (in Swedish). This link gets you to the insurance company, but remember that you must also fill in the SSFF's accident form Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. in order for your case to be handled! More information, links, forms and documents can be found under the Accident tab, that is ”Vid Olycka – Åtgärder vid olycka”.

BAS - liability insurance
Applies to damage you cause to others, for example if you damage a parked car when you land. It covers damage to persons and property up to SEK 15 million (EUR 1.5 million) and also for acts of terrorism. It applies everywhere in the world. For all claim settlements, a deductible of SEK 1,500 per claim is payable.

STANDARD - accident insurance
An accident insurance that also covers costs for medical care (up to SEK 100,000) It has a disability amount up to max. SEK 500,000. Suits you who mostly fly in the north.

PLUS - accident and life insurance
Covers healthcare up to SEK 300,000 and has a disability amount up to a maximum of SEK 900,000. It has life insurance that provides SEK 300,000 in the event of a leathal accident associated with paragliding. Something to consider as many life insurance policies do not cover extreme sports. It covers home transport up to max. SEK 500,000.

Upgrade your insurance easily via the webshop link Webbutiken,

Travel insurance
European ERV offers paragliding association members to take out comprehensive travel insurance for trips abroad. Complete your insurance cover with a comprehensive insurance cover. It has unlimited compensation for both medical treatment and transport home. In addition to this, you have a lot of other benefits such as compensation in case of delay, lost luggage, lost belongings etc. which is normally included in travel insurance. You will find the scope of the insurance and compensation levels in the insurance terms and conditions that are available and sign it by clicking on this link. Link to extern website Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..

SSFF has a discount when purchasing insurance from ERV. If you want to buy insurance through ERV, you should contact their customer service Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster. and ask them to help you. State "SKÄRKMFLYFÖRBUNDET" when you take out the insurance and you will receive our discount. Please note that you must take out the insurance before starting your trip!

Publicerad: 2023-08-30

Senast uppdaterad: 2024-08-23

Författare: Yaacov Neselrot


Svenska Skärmflygförbundet
Box 145
561 22 Huskvarna

Kontakta oss

+46 8 234 123